Australia’s Leading Hair Loss Diagnostic & Hair Loss Treatment Clinics – Melbourne and Sydney
Hair Loss Clinic Sydney – Redfern
Hair Loss Clinic Melbourne – Camberwell
Straight-forward and effective NEW hair regrowth treatments for men and women
Book a free Hair Health Check today at a Hair Health Australia hair loss clinic and receive your complete clinical hair loss diagnosis
Our Hair Loss Clinics have easy and affordable hair regrowth treatments which our specialists can guarantee.
Possible results can only be determined by a Free Hair Health Check
Hair Health Australia’s hair loss clinics offer all the most up to date, effective hair loss treatments for all hair loss and thinning hair conditions in men and women.
We use the latest of hair loss diagnostic equipment to diagnose the cause of your problem.
All treatments are customise to each individual, to effectively maximise hair regrowth at an affordable price.
A specialist will ensure you are educated on your particular type of hair loss or thinning hair.
A specialist will also ensure, you have a full understanding of how the recommended hair loss treatment works to achieve maximum hair regrowth.
The specialists at our hair loss clinics, will only recommend clinically proven hair loss treatments, to effectively halt hair loss and maximising your own potential hair regrowth.
“Hair Health Australia were amazing. The Hair Health Check took all the second guessing out and the results were so quick.” Sean, 26
“I had tried other places but Hair Health Australia was great. I got real results and they were really great value.” Jules, 31
Before we can recommend the most effective hair loss treatment for you, one of our specialists will need to conduct a full Hair Health Check.
There are many reasons as to why you may be experiencing hair loss; for example hereditary male and female pattern hair loss, stress, medications, hormonal imbalance, nutrient deficiency, as well as a range of other less common causes.
Our Hair Health Check will clinically diagnose the type of hair loss affecting you and establish the number of active hair follicles you have available to regrow, so you will know prior to the commencement of any hair loss treatment what regrowth can be achieved.
Call our hair loss clinics today to book a Free “Hair Health Check” on 1800 908 898 or (02) 93190051 or simply fill in your details to the top right of this screen to have one of our specialist call you.
Hair Health Australia is a male and female hair loss treatment clinic.
We offer effective hair loss treatments for all individuals at any stage of the hair loss cycle. Even those in more progressed stages.
All recommended hair loss treatments will enable you to recover and regrow more of your own natural hair and stabilise hair fall. Therefore if you have previously tried to regrow your hair using other hair regrowth treatments with limited success, we can now help.
We only offer the most up to date clinically proven treatments available.
All available Hair regrowth treatments are fast, effective, easy and affordable.
See some of our amazing results from our hair loss clinics below:
“I was so confused on why my hair was falling out and I had been to my doctor and anyone I could see and even tried eating healthier, lost weight and tried every product for hair I could get my hands on I was really starting to panic, but to have my hair loss diagnosed so quickly by Hair Health Australia with their amazing equipment and then to have the specialist explain that there was more than one reason for my hair loss and therefore not just one treatment approach and told it was treatable and no matter how healthy or unhealthy I was that my hair loss would have still happened. To hear this felt like a huge weight off my shoulders and a huge relief. So I started a customised treatment course straight away and within 6 weeks my hair fall had returned to normal and I was already seeing new hair growth, 3 months on and my hair is back to how it use to be, I still have new hair coming through and it is at different lengths but I’m only waiting for length to grow now, I could even colour my hair throughout treatment” Emma, 42
“Been thinning for a couple of years I think and just thought that I had to accept that I would be a bald man but at only 28 I felt too young to be bald so I saw my doctor and he referred me to Hair Health Australia which sorted things out for me. It’s looking heaps better and I feel like myself again and it didn’t cost no where near what I thought it would, everything the specialist said would happen did so no stress involved at all.” Mohammed, 28