

Hair Health Australia has developed an extensive new range of retention products for hair loss treatment that are suitable for men experiencing early stages of hair loss. This range has been clinically proven to stop hair loss, regrow new hair, and thicken existing hair.

Formulated with the most up-to-date natural ingredients available our hair loss treatments draw on the latest international advancements in hair loss research, our new hair retention products contribute to the normalisation of the hair growth cycle and the reversal and halt of the hair loss process.

The full list of our product range is not provided on this website as there is a number of possible causes of hair loss and in a number of cases more than one factor could be at play e.g. emotional stress, trauma, polygenetic, scalp disease, skin disease, thyroid disease, recent surgery, autoimmune disease, iron deficiency, drugs and hormone imbalance, just to mention a few.

It is therefore very important for each individual considering hair loss treatment to speak to one of our specialists for a correct diagnosis and recommendation of the right product or combination of products to best suit your particular hair loss problem. If an individual is not correctly diagnosed, a lot of time and money can be spent searching for and trying different products with limited or no results.

To quickly and easily identify your suitablility to use natural regrowth products call 1800 908 898 to speak to a specialist. The specialist may recommend a visual exploratory of your hair and scalp in the clinic with our advanced microscopic equipment for more comprehensive diagnosis.

Maintenance for completed in-clinic hair loss treatments

Hair Health Australia has a full comprehensive range of maintenance products available for individuals who may have completed a regrowth program with other hair loss clinics in the past.

Our focus is to provide everyone who has ever completed a clinical based program with the most up-to-date effective retention products at an affordable price. Maintaining your results should not be a difficult or expensive process.

When certain maintenance products are used over long periods of time the products may become less effective as the body can build up different tolerances and immunities. It is for this reason that the reformulation and delivery methods of products should be readdressed regularly. A specialist will therefore be able to help re-establish an effective and simple regime.

Our pharmacy compounded product range has been developed for maximum retention and continuous growth.

For more information on these products call 1800 908 898 to speak with a specialist.